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town rollback request


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Your Name: ynbersusk
Town Name: PooLand , PooLand2
Coordinates: towns located at x2550y2550
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): Before 00:00 GMT+2, 27th October
Description of Issue: player italostalo13 tp'ed to me, apperently to try and kill me.

when he saw that this was not an option he somehome went hidden in overworld or other world and started to use a terraformer which affected my town and also wiped my ME drives clean.

he and his devices were absolutely invisible in overworld, only the damage was real.

my towns are fully protected except for 'enter' permission, all of my stuff was claimed.

my proof is of some minor chat and and inventory screenshots with the damage in the background.


( i also had some relics from the dice of fait which i just put in the system, and as i can only obtain them once in the game i hope they get back to the drives, else rollback mv inv too)

as proof of the relics i have the fact that i can no longer get them in the game and player Gokou(something) to vouch for me and the all the gaia stuff that i and he got.

screenshots too heavy to fit in, i have passed them on to ManYouForgot and Kaliber.

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