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[Town Rollback Request] H3R0VL4D


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Your Name: H3R0VL4D
Town Name: Kyoto
Coordinates: +4311 , +4201
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 04/11/2018, around 2:00/2:10 A.M. CET

Description of Issue: 

Part of a construction, that was finished at around 2:00/2:10 A.M. disappeared in that chunk, after I left the area and came back.

Some rollbacks were done 2 hours earlier and I noticed something..

After the rollbacks were done and server got restarted, that chunk always rolled back to that exact same state (I noticed it because I was building it at that time and because of that, had to rebuild it a few times) 

The only chunk that seems to need a rollback is the one at the coords


EDIT: It happened again, this time I built a floor underground and the blocks I put there just disappeared on that chunk


EDIT: the chunk now seems fine (EPICfighters just deleted the generators with world edit and now it seems to be alright) so the only needed thing right now is the rollback of the chunk


SOLVED: EPIC rebuilt it with his hands


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