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Your Name:  GManZap
Coordinates: (use format xyz: 2296 48 -3052)
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine)(day/month/year): 11/20/18 at 20:00 Military Time
Description of Issue: The Me System was not working none of the cables showed they had channels and players inventory were disappearing GManZap (Resonant Flux Capacitor) (ChiefDerp123 Quantum Suit armor and Resonant jet pack (armored) Resonant Flux Capacitor) Note this was after he died and his grave was very glitched out. GManZap broke it and all the items except his Armor and Flux Capacitor (From above) were gone.

Then after all of that I went to check if the ME system somehow got it but I couldn't as all my Channels were messed up except 5 channels on my white area.


So in the end I'm asking if you could roll back my town Newbies and ChiefDerp123s inventory from 20:00 Military Time

This is as much detail as I really know and thanks if you help ❤️
Screenshots (Optional): 


If you need anything my Discord is GManZap#2944

On 11/24/2018 at 9:47 PM, Manyouforgot said:

ChiefDerp123's Inventory has been Rollbacked and your town has been rollbacked as well.


If anything is missing please make a list below for a refund request.

So my Stabilized Spawners didn't come back with the Blitz Bazalz or Blizz in them as well as my Iron Golem and even after I logged off and on so I broke it thinking id come back or something but I only got my 1 Notch Apple back ?

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