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Your Name: Jacobgotskillz
Coordinates: -1663,58,4033
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine) (day/month/year): 1800 US Central / 19/12/18
Description of Issue:  I was not told or made aware of the refined storage bug. I lost ALL my items ( a weeks worth's of playing) when my disk drives disappeared after a restart. 
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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for the delay I will have this done later this afternoon/night (5-6 hours I'll be home from work.) 


Edit- Due to the time that has elapsed I may not have a proper rollback point, I apologize for this inconvenience.

I have asked Brunyman if he could assist me on finding the rollback, but if we cannot find one we may have to result to a refund request to try to fix this.

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