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[Refund Request] BlackDeath220


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Name: BlackDeath220



  • 1 Power Armor Helmet
    • Elite Battery
    • Energy Shield
    • Heat Sink
    • Triple Solar Generator
    • Water Electrolyzer
    • Night Vision
  • 1 Power Armor Chestplate
    • Elite Battery
    • Energy Shield
    • Heat Sink
    • Glider
    • Jetpack
  • 1 Power Armor Leggings 
    • Elite Battery
    • Energy Shield
    • Heat Sink
    • Sprint Assist
  • 1 Power Armor Boots
    • Elite Battery
    • Energy Shield
    • Heat Sink
    • Shock Absorber
  • 1 Power Fist 
    • Axe
    • Shovel
    • Pickaxe
      • I think it had the diamond drill upgrade but I'm not sure
    • Melee Assist
    • In-Place Assembler
    • AppEng Wireless Terminal
  • 1 Healing Axe



x: 3864

y: 68

z: 4650

(those are coords to my base since idk the coords where i died)



Got killed by shadows in the deep dark dimension. Went back but stuff had despawned even thought i got there fast enough since the chunks automatically unload there.



I don't have any physical proof but Spring_Water can attest for me and multiple people knew i had the power armor. 


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