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Broken ME-System


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Since the server restarted at around 11 AM (UTC+1)  my ME-System is broken. I can't interact with any AE2 and Extra Cells 2 block until i pick up an rebuild it. When i place a new cable next to a broken cable it just drop. The ME still import items from a chest and I can see my items with my Wireless Terminal but I can't put something in or take out.

This isn't the first time, i had this issue already 3 times and had to rebuild my whole ME-System.

Now my System so big that i don't want to rebuild it. 

Is there a way to fix my ME and avoid it for the future?



In the past there was a world anchor, but i also tought it could be the reason, so i relocated him to an other chunk were he can only break some RF wires. After that, one time the wires got broken, but my ME in the other chunk didn't.


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