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Storage Scanner


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A few months ago Storage Scanners broke (at least at my base), when i place'em down and set the range to 20 then click "scan" it just wont show anything... but when i set it to like 15-18 it starts to show me some stuff (15 having the most stuff but its still missing some)
There i was constantly clicking "scan"


It was around 4 weeks ago, i worked with storage scanners fine, then one day it happend that they only show some (certain) inventories.  Since this time they show only the same some inventories. It seems that it is not a kind of distance, 1 of the inventories is ~9 blocks away, and is displayed, but 1 of the nearest storage chests is not seen. Think something broke in database.

I tried another new storage scanner nearby, crazy, but this new was just showing the same some inventories.

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