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[Cave Rollback Request] AtomicGrog

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Your Name: AtomicGrog

Island Owner Name: AtomicGrog

Coordinates: -255, 110, 2290

Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): Approx 3 hours prior to this post. 9AM AEST, Suspect thats Midnight GMT/UTC. 

Description of Issue: Most of cave stolen, have no direct recorded evidence, saw a EMC_Link with a name something like Nati_** (Stars being two characters I cant recall). I locked down island when I had to log, approx 20-30 rainbow generator based items had been removed together with sundries i.e. other EMC links.

To do this he had removed 7-8 EMC links, broken some quartz glass and then suspect vein-mined the generators. Give away at first was the rainbows were complaining about things missing. When i logged i thought I could recover.. was a loss but with EMC not hard to replace. When I returned an hour later pretty much whole base wiped.

Exief says I had some claim flags set badly, dont recall doing it but at least it should help not have the process repeated.

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