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Inventory rollback request

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Description of issue: I exited the deepdark through the portal which resulted in my game crashing, when i logged back in, I fell through the map past the bedrock layer resulting in me dying and losing my items.  A user by the name of eytixis recommended that i do this.

Username: Ceemax

Coordiantes of grave/death point: X=-11597 Z=18014

Time and date when it was fine: 19:30:00 27/04/19 (English date)



Im not sure if it takes time for this to take affect but i have not recieved anything yet.

My iventory had 26 mobius unstable ingots, full set of terasteel armor and a golden angel ring.

I also had a full set of obsidian gear but i have already upgraded from that.

These are all the important things i lost.



If i am required to be on the server to fufil the refund request then the next time i will be online is 28/04/2019 around 11am

Thank you


I would like to revoke this request, i have stopped playing and therefore my inventory is not needed

Thank you


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