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i lost my stuff


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56 64 diamond blocks 64 64 64 64 64 64 37 ingots
64 64 11 gold blocks 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 34 ingots 
64 64 64 60 redstone blocks 64 64 64 64 64 64 12 ingots
64 64 64 64 iron blocks 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 54 iron
62 lapis blocks 64 64 64 64 44 ingots
64 64 64 43 copper ores 64 64 ingots
29 tin ores 64 56 ingots
40 emerald blocks 64 64 ingots 
64 22 cobalt ores 18 ingots
32 arodite ores 3 ingots
44 dark steel ingots 
64 64 64 32 slime balls 62 slime blocks
43 blue slime blocks 64 2 balls
16 purple slime balls
29 knighite slime 
4 nether stars 
64 64 64 2 string
23 invar ores 47 ingots
21 platinum
21 enderium
14 eder steel
64 4 steel ingots
56 draconium dust
64 40 yellorium
15 nickle ores 52 ingots
4 uranium ores and 21 ingots
56 quartz cryustal 26 charged 
64 25 lether
19 black quartz blocks
62 drops of evil
64 10 apethite
14 silver ores 53 silver ingots
chursed lasso and a ghast in it
49 chichen
64 64 64 64 5 canola 

64 64 64 31 obsidian

64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 48 cobblesotobe

64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 23 dirt

16 16 16 8 enderpearls

43 endstone

4 enderman heads

64 64 64 22 coal

34 cactus

64 21 paper

3 ores 64 11 ingots

63 sand 

64 64 3 glass 

7 glowstone 46 glow stone dust

12 manyllin ingots

64 64 64 11 oak wood planks

64 36 seeds

6 pumkin seeds

6 melon seeds

64 64 64 52 bone meeal

64 64 15 bones 

30 rubber 

64 4 plastic

64 64 permafrost

61 feathers

64 2 gunpowder

12 shugar



Coordinate  X -1821  Y 75  Z -3430



i was playing on your ftb revelation server and i was moving my ic2 stuff away and my lava generator disapierd so i opend my inventory to see if the lava generator is in my ivnetory and my storage tabletd disapierd so i lost all my stuff


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