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Player intentionally lagging out and crashing me


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In-Game Nickname: Flinkymeatball
Your username (Optional):9elephants
Time and Date: around 10-12 US central time
Description of what happened: (In chronological order)I am teaming with someone called Flinkymeatball, i discovered that my ping skyrockets whenever someone else uses a jetpack near me. i told him this multiple times and to please stop flying andplease take off the jetpack, yet every time i manage to reconnect he goes out of his way to fly around and blast off and disconnect me again. Ive crashed 3 times and disconnected god knows howmany because of this, and because of this i would like to leave the team, however i would not like to start from scratch. Would i be allowed to take materials and machines i made while he was offline and i made with resources i gathered myself with me to starta new base
Screenshots or Proof: https://imgur.com/a/kk8utIl
List of eyewitnesses: (They should also make a post below)Virtmo was an eyewitness to the build up before the logs i have submitted in the imgur album.

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