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Congratulations to all winners this month!!

Just like any other time, the new servers will now be counted for the June Top Voters. These servers, as you will most likely be aware of, are Ultimate Reloaded and OmniFactory.

Congratulations to cabalmaster on his 6th consecutive win!!!! He is truly unbeatable. I am convinced no one will take his spot as the one and only Tekkit Top Voter!!


The June Top Voters are:

Tekkit: cabalmaster

Skyfactory 2.5: wozza125

Skyfactory 3: AppelZak5

Skyfactory 4: Ziboo

Sky Adventures: dogblock

DireWolf20 1.7: scitor

DireWolf20 1.12: Phoenix13000

Revelations: MagnusMovies

Infinity Evolved: ilruck

Continuum: Lightnessxp

Stoneblock 2: artemusjedbrick

Interactions: Quantumblade

Network: GhiruGamer123


On behalf of all the staff, a big thank you to everyone who voted for our servers!!

Enjoy your new rank in-game! Best of luck to everyone on becoming next month's Top Voter!

(Rank will be given shortly after this post)


I'm very glad to make the list, the topvoter title really looks nice, so first of all, thanks for the rewards! ?

Just a very small nag, as premium I can have up to 6 homes, it seems as a top voter I only have 2 and it seams that it replaces my premium privileges, which means that I can't travel unless I delete 4 of my 6 homes.

Is there any way to have both perks?

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