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[Command Request] linpost


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Account Name: linpost
Rank: Sponsor
Requested Commands^:

-World Edit.

- Time set (both essentials.time and essentials.time.set i believe).
Reason for Request*: 

-World Edit: Mainly for cosmetic base building/clearing purposes. this is usually where i use my GMC but it has it's limitations sometimes. I know i have to be careful on the size of the edit for lags, and i will never use it for abuse! 

-Time Set: currently there's another Sponsor on omnifactory that has this command and the server often deal together about the time of the day, so it would be useful if i could have it too. No abuse in mind, always ask first before doing this kind of change (i noticed it can despawn items on the ground, well on continuum it did).


Commands added.

Keep in mind not to use WE on large areas as that will cause lag. Furthermore, all WE usage is logged. You will lose WE access and the ability to request additional commands in case of abuse.

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