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Inventory Rollback request (Grave Recovery)


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SERVER: FTB Interactions

Your Name:  SilvanasMax
Coordinates: -5891,78,-6896 (+/-2)
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): Approx. , 1745 Eastern US, 21 Aug (0145 GMT, 22 Aug)
Description of Issue: Jumped through an OW portal not in spawn (yes, stupid), landed safely for about 45 seconds, then "suffocated".  Further attempts to go back (ouside of world boundaries) did not afford me the same 45s grace; immediately kills me.  Cannot recover inventory (contains toolbar full of tools/weaps, philo stone).  List of first death resides within the second grave, unfortunatelty.  Will destroy portal once I can recover my inv.  Thank you.
Screenshots (Optional): No screenshots.


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