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[unban] sheldsp and justinyonathan


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1] In-Game Username:

sheldsp and justinyonathan
[2] Details of Situation:

Another player duping items and gave it to me. I didnt know that the item is duped since i just started playing today and currently still learning about ic2. He gave me a lot of nether skull at first and i ask him for what purpose those skull for. And then i ask him to borrow a laser. He gave a laser and  another stuff. What i remember is bane of pigs, the thaumic suit, diamonds, pickaxe that have fortune, giant pickaxe, spawner, and things i dont know for. The name of the player gave me the duped item is RedRobb20. Maybe you could reset my account and sheldsp account so we can start playing again. And he also gave me a book that unlock research maybe you could reset my thaumcraft research because i just want to start new. And the duped item sucks lot of fun there. Thanks

[3] Ban Category:

Rule 1

[4] Ban Duration:

14 days

[5] Staff Member:


[6] ScreenShots:

I cant, tried to login with different account to take a screenshot of the base but still cant login

[7] Your Reason:

I dont know the player was duping, i thought hes just a rich endgame guy


Hey there so this is why you got banned :



So its Rule 1 and Rule 18 this means i had check your inventory and concluded  your using some sort of exploit and Rule 18 means ban evading you log in with another acc. after your got banned.

Your friend got the same items Rule 1 again i'm thinking about exploits...


You sayed in discord that you receive this items... from another player that is know to use exploits but you fail to report this in discord or to take some ss of you and your friend receiving this items from RedRobb.

If you can provide the logs from your game we will see, you can find the logs here : instances\direwolf20_1-7-10\minecraft\logs or similary to this and upload the .text files: fml-client-latest, latest, fml client 3.

In the meantime i will decide with the higher staff what should we do and if you got some witness that can vouch for you it will be great if not its a situation where your telling something and there is no proof to it.



We will search our logs and your logs and will see.

Please have some patience it takes some time i will try to give you a answer tomorrow or worst case in 2 days.



After digging through our logs we made the decision to accept your appeal.
That being said, both of you have received a warning for accepting creative items, as this still violates rule 4.
If something like that happens again, please immediately report it to staff.

Unban accepted


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