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2020-01-12_18_46_15.thumb.png.e3fbcda53640d4e3884a3f3b4027817f.pngYour Name: Mythical01
Item Name + ID + Amount: UHH everything on me when i died
Coordinates: 411 66 51 (nether)
Description of Issue: I died got no key to recover my grave took another screenie of  the death on chat time stamp but it's a 1.3mb screenie
Screenshots (Optional): 



I have absolutely nothinng i had with me when i was mining my inventory has no Ring of odin key of kings no fluxbore no duranite xcobalt and cant remember what handle was .. there is none of my mob farm vector plates i had on me i have got 0 back from that grave .... im gonna make a new post to post the death screenie with my lower inv and no key taken moments after i went /back then reralised i had no key as what i typed in game is on screen



oh also my handheld for wireless (sec terminal) vanished of face of planet , i have stuck spots in my inventory where i think they are hidden ,i gotta alumite and cobalt many axe that vanished and that is other phantom slot ii have in inventory and i been through my entire ME terminal i have nothing of these items i have 1 complete(me sec terminal) set i got from crates in a shulker box and not a single thing else i cant mine without my newly made pick .... im gonna lose all the exp i made on pick yet again  , also why am i restricted to 247kb even if i make a new post ,i cannnot make the other screenie fit no matter what ... i gotta start mining today again , ive not dome anything waiting for my stuff built some machines is all


i found out what ya did do you godamn deleted all the shit in my inventory i had on me before i went to bed i had made 37 blank slate and nothing i had on me last nite notta thing ....... cheers ...


Before rolling  your inventory back, I had taken everything out and placed it inside a chest at your last known location. I believe it was a copper chest. Anyhow, if you'd like, we can attempt another rollback or you could reply with a clear and concise list of items you lost.


umm i can only remember the main stuff like pick axe, ring of odin,key of kings , diamond sword clean slicer,fluxbore creative,47 or 57 green vector plates and 2 death pads, pick axe is duranite cobalt and i think maybe steel ,i had on diamond armor with enchants there is no named gears,then there was cobalt, ardite,glowstone and teribium, the crap in screenie id died when that stuff blew up,cannot remember numbers but had been there for awhile .and other that went missing are wireless controller for ME sec terminal. my lumite manyullyn cobalt axe. i had on another bauble but cannot remember it's name unfortunately. 


ok i took my spare ME wireless crafting pad(controller out) server went down once i no longer have my spare so that 2 wireless controllers and why is all my stuff going missing all the time ??? at least 10 spare spots ion my inventory before server went down it was in slot 1 , i took it out (spare)cos i got sick of going down to get stuff guess what im back to doing ....



yeh like i need a week without mining cos all me shit got lost only last sunday and still got nothing cos im not building a new fucking pick axe every time this shit happens,what up to my 3rd!!!! aint built an axe yet either cos that is BLOCKING A SLOT IN MY INVENTORY as it there but invisible ..;... and not to mention all the other shit ive listed above NOTHING has turned up ,btw today is payday watch my cash roll in ....... i expect none of this to be fixed anytime soon at current rate of knots ...


-thanks for the fluxbore and some creative stuff i probably wont use, as i use ME system things still missing

1key of kings that i won of that dice .... i even linked it in game so just ask the regulars ...

1 duranite cobalt steel pick axe .

set of diamond armor with enchants .

47 vector plates green

2 death pads red

1 wireless controller for ME security terminal as im using 1 out of a set i won making that set useless to sell as is.

Thank you for the fluxbore as it will be letting me get back to actually doing stuff to progress

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