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[Inventory Rollback Request]*EGO_IGOR*


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Your Name: EGO_IGOR
Coordinates: Unable to see because of RLCRAFT
Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 5/1/2020
Description of Issue: I played a lot of RLcraft in the past 2 months, but I stopped for just a week. I was perfectly fine when i logged out, but when i logged in I instantly died and lost all my stuff to just one zombie. I think he killed me when I was connecting to the server or I timed out, but i'm not sure. 




I just checked and everything is still missing. Maybe I can be rolledback around 25 of december 2019 if that is possible?

Thank you nonetheless!



Ok I have rolled your inventory back to the earliest save we have.


If it is not adequate and you are still missing items, you may respond with a list of items that you remember having


Thanks a lot for the help. I am starting to accept I lost all my stuff. When i logged back in I died instantly again, but with my stuff. I tried to get back with some deathscrolls but it didn't work. I just got killed instantly for no reason at all. It says got suffocated altough I'm not in a wall or anything. I was at a deck of a ship and there is no reason at all for suffocation. I don't know if it is possible, but maybe if you roll back my invertory and teleport me to spawn or something it would help. But if that's not possible, it's okey. I will grind all my stuff back and put a lot of hours in rlcraft haha. I'm super happy although with the support I got on this forum so thank you.



Ok I rolled it back again. This time I have sent you to spawn. So you should be at spawn at your next login. Hopefully all is well ?


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