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Base rollback


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Your Name: _Michael_Scarn
Coordinates: x=-5010,z=-5010 (Tent Dimention)
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): March 2, 2020 11:30 (GMT+8)

Description of Issue: There was an announce restart. i was setting up my storage system and coz i was in the process of moving to a new base. i gather all my chest and items all in that place. after that restart. it roll back to another point in time where my storage and chests are undone but those colossal chest i place all my items are gone. and poof, all my items gathered for 2 days gone.


Screenshots (Optional): no scrennie


Sadly we only have backups of the overworld.
If you remember what the most important items you had were, you can list them for a refund.

Consider building your base in the overworld instead.


Your Name: _Michael_Scarn
Coordinates: x=-2042,z=1047 (overworld)
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): March 2, 2020 09:00pm (GMT+8)


Claim rolled back

I used a backup from one hour later than the time you provided but your base looks good at a glance.




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