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 [Refund Request] BaTaPu

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Your Name: BaTaPu
Item Name + ID + Amount: 20 vote keys. 5 legendary keys. 1000 money (balance)
Coordinates: 2814 65 1791
Description of Issue:  Yesterday I bought 4 keys from market and I used them. I got a lot of items. Today when I login in the game I found signs with text "the keys toy were usieng was duped put a refund requrest in the slf4 forum to ask for you money back". But moders have steled no only items that I got from these keys and items that I got from keys (vote and vote party). I actully used also duno how many vote keys mine and 3-5 legendary (mine). So please return me 20 vote keys and 5 legengary keys plus 1000 money that I spent on buying these (4 keys from market) keys.
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