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[Claim Rollback Request] Aoliabe


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Hello all,

Your Name: Aoliabe
Coordiantes: x - 2433, z- 6065
Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 03/24/2020 24:00
Description of Issue: A dragon flew out from down the earth and destroyed my base when I was off. Many of my chests were destroyed. I didn't have a chance to protect my claim. This wasn't the making of another player.
Screenshots (Optional): courtesy of WyldeCS that noticed before me since I wasn't logged in.


sc rollback base 2.png


I'm not the only victim:

Your Name: Dojo899
Coordiantes: x - 2499, z- 6036
Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 03/24/2020 24:00
Description of Issue: A dragon flew out from down the earth and destroyed his base when he was off. Many of my his were destroyed. I didn't have a chance to protect his claim. This wasn't the making of another player.
Screenshots (Optional): I don't have enought space to put another screnshot, but the base is clearly destroyed in the same pattern as mine.


I have logged in today 02/04/20, i went over to my temple which i have been building for over 56 hours, i was then greeted with half of it missing and half of it as it was, this has deeply disturbed me. my in game name is TheDeviI. it looks like the chunks were rolled back by two weeks. please help.

the coords are x -2345    z -6096


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