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[Inventory Rollback Request] lolloboldo99


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Your Name: lolloboldo99
Coordinates: X: - 2827, Z: -3099, Y: 75
Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/timezone/date when everything was fine): 2:00 am Rome 27/03/2020
Description of Issue: due to a rollback i lost my dragonsteel fire sword enchanted with sharpness 6, mending, looting 4, runed 6, venom 1, sweeping edge 4, magic siphon 5. i put the sword in a chest after killing a skeleton, 5mn later the server did a rollback and my sword wasn't anymore in the chest or in my inventory, it just vanished. i'd love to have my sword back beacuse i spent most of my gaming hours for getting those enchantments and the xp to bind them to the sword.


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