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[Refund Request] BreakPointIce

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Your Name: BreakPointIce
Item Name + Amount: Creative Jetpack (1), Tinker's pickaxe with Cobalt head, Conductive Iron handle, Paper binding, and maxed haste and luck modifiers.
Coordinates: x=4128, z=-1105, y=9
Description of Issue: While setting up a void miner close to bedrock, I was using morphmod to get in and out of small holes. While reverting from chicken to normal, my head got caught in the roof as I lagged, causing me to die. When I went to get my stuff, I broke the grave and found that those two items were missing. These two in particular were being used as I lagged out, which is most likely why they bugged out of existence. The two items are in the grave log, but I can't find them anywhere. I've also logged in and out, so and inventory glitch is unlikely. Also, if the pickaxe can't be brought in with commands, that's completely okay, I could probably make another one. Thanks :)
Screenshots (Optional): https://imgur.com/a/AOoVvMS


Sorry, I must have grabbed the wrong template and missed the section about the chest containing the death note. It's one block off of the death coordinates and has a sign calling it that chest. Thanks!


ive only refunded the creative jetpack because i didnt see the pickaxe on the death note provided.

i can see from your inventory that the pickaxe is in your hotbar.

if you have any questions, dm me on discord. coffee#0115


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