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[Inventory Rollback Request] PapaMaoDONG


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[Inventory Rollback Request]PapaMaoDONG

Your Name:
Coordinates:  x: -278, z:5112
Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 28/3/2020 15:55 CET
Description of Issue: While flying on my mount in the raid world, I decided to go to my /home and when I teleported back, it said I ˝suffocated in a wall˝ , which is obviously a game issue because I wasn't even teleported into a wall. I was just teleported in my ./home when I got the death screen, and returning back I just saw my XP on the floor, not my stuff which included the following: 

1 golem helmet ( with magic protection and advanced mending)

1 dragon scale chestplate ( with inner berserk, blast protection, unbreaking and advanced mending)

1 dragon scale leggings ( with advanced thorns, protection IV, unbreaking, mending and agility)

1 dragon scale boots ( with fire protection III, unbreaking and advanced mending)

I also had the Iced Dragonbone Rapier with the following enchantments: Supreme Sharpness III, Arc Slash II, Luck Magnification I and Vampirism I.


I managed to recover some baubles from my stash, but the only important bauble I want back is my ankh shield, which took me a good amount of time to get.


I hope this rollback request goes through  and wish you all good health.



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