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[Unban] ftpsd_


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[1] In-Game Username: ftpsd_

[2] Details of Situation: Spawn "grief" and perks abuse.

[3] Ban Category: Permanently

[4] Ban Duration: -

[5] Staff Member: Console

[6] ScreenShots: http://prntscr.com/rxlk56

[7] Your Reason: I think its been quite a while and I apologized in the day for the bug I had with some commandos. I said it was never my intention to destroy anything from the server, even knowing that I was the one who left the Staff because of my next job inactivity.. i`d like to get the unban, so i can get on the server to say hello to old players who are slowly coming back. I fully understand the composure that was taken in his day when all this happened, but it was not intentional at all.


Hey! We have discussed this topic and I am sorry to let you know that your unban request has been denied. Your actions are something we consider really severe and that is why you got that punishment.

Topic Closed.


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