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Inventory rollback request by MadSpring


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Your Name: MadSpring
Coordinates:  End X-2531 Y60-100 Z-6846
Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 4:15 German timezone
Description of Issue: So i was in the end when i found that Battletower. I thought, should be eZ if you take it slow. Yeah. Slow. Spider pushed me into 2 Blight mobs, while more got spawned... I tried to go back several times, each time i got oneshot between like 20 mobs? DiabeetusFetus saw what was going on and gone home as soon as he came... So yeah... Would be kinda nice if i could get a rollback...
Screenshots (Optional): Couldn't make any screenshots... Went to fast from Full life to zero.



This does not sound like a server issue, and therefore the inventory won't be rolled back. We allow for rollbacks if there was a server-side fault that led you to lose your items




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