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Inventory rollback requestion


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Your Name: Kyuubiixx
Coordinates: -473,89,-1438
Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine):12:00 GMT+2 10th May,2020
Description of Issue: I looted a dungeon and tped to my usual home,I was even full life but then I "suffocated in a wall" but there was no wall to suffocate in.
Screenshots (Optional): /


Ähm idk if this was my fault,but I had a supreme sharp 5 sword in my inv when it was rolled back and my dragon to breed.Idk if this is part of the rollback,I would appreciate if I would get an answer.If that is part of the rollbak its no problem,just didnt know that.



The rollback replaces your current inventory with a previous save file from the time you requested.

If you are missing any important items, please list them out here in detail so we can refund them.



So the most important items that I lost,were a female Ice Dragon(Saphire( Stage 4, 77 days)  and a Flamed Dragon Bone Rapier with supreme sharpness 5.

Would appreciate if I would get it back.


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