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Inv Rollback request


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Your Name: Kyuubiixx
Coordinates: -1325,73,-7369
Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 21:25 GMT+2 17th of may,2020
Description of Issue: I tped home again and same bug happened again.I "sufocated in a wall".I got the hint to use a totem and I will use this hint now,im sorry for the trouble im making but I didnt know what to do against the bug.Hopefully its not bothering you too much
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Ähm sry idk why,but I had a crafting rune in my inv and my sword,but they are not there.I excactly looked up the time when I died.Is this a already known bug ?

I think crafting rune was green and sword had :

Advanced Mending

Sup Sharp V

Swifter Slashes V

Vampirism II

Upgraded Potentials

Adv Looting III

Maybe u can see somewhere in the log that I got this sword. (Ice drag Rapier)


Hi there,died to this bug again,dont know why but I cant do anything against it,I think imma quit sry.Mby you can rollback inv again but idk if I will still play I died at 15:25.

Greetings Kyu


Yeah I set my home to different places to test,it even happened before I placed the shulker there.I think I found the problem,everytime I died I was in water (think so).Then I tried to tp home while in movement for example if I fall but then I didnt die,if I know anything more about the bug imma contact you.





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