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superxmand1 unban request


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I wanna say, i’m sorry for the ban evading i didn’t know was ilegal what i have done, i broke the server rules, i wanna say i’m sorry and will not happen again, i’m clear, and i’m not gonna broke the rules again 



First of all, you should've used the template as Chaz8591 mentioned above.

Knowing the rules is something that you, as a user have to do. If you don't know where they are even though in-game you can do /rules to check the link, here they are: 

I hope this doesn't happen again considering that this time I'm attaching the rules so you can give them a look to avoid any possible punishment in the future.

Being unaware of the rules is something that doesn't justify your actions and it isn't going to get you unbanned. 

And also, you mentioned to me in-game that you wanted to play. Trust me, if you wanna continue playing here, I strongly recommend you to stop evading your ban. Doing this will just prolong the duration of your ban.

Unban Request Denied.




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