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[rollback request] ob3yballer

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Your Name: ob3yballer
Coordinates: X:-2132, Z:-129 Y:64
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 5/19/2020 at around 10:50 pm PCT was when i had the backpack still i believe
Description of Issue: Lost my diamond backpack with items in it to the thaumcraft crucible and lost everything in it because of that
Screenshots (Optional):


Topic Moved from Network Technical Support to DW 1.12 Technical Support.


A staff member from this server will help you out.  



Unfortunately recent server backup data has been lost and I cannot perform a rollback. However, if you wish, you can reply with a list of items that were lost during the issue and they can be refunded.

5 hours ago, Ness27 said:


Unfortunately recent server backup data has been lost and I cannot perform a rollback. However, if you wish, you can reply with a list of items that were lost during the issue and they can be refunded.

yes please, the main thing that i was worried about was that i won a extreme reactors set from the legendary chest, my thaumcraft boots of the traveler, and i just remembered 6 nether stars and 7 ender nether stars, but besides that im fine. If you can refund the diamond backpack since its expensive that would be fine too, but its not the main concern. Thank you and sorry for the bother and the troubles.

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