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[Refund Request] DA_FABULOUS_KING

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Item Name + ID + Amount:

Quest Book

Satchel (Void)


Diamond Pickaxe

Satchel (resonant)

Cooked porkchop x59

Fluxbore (Reinforced) 1

Coal ore x18

redstone x20

Flint x2

Dirt x21

Inscriber Calculation press 1

Inscriber engineering press 1

Certus quarts dust 1

Calculation Prossesor 1

Obsidian dust

Certus quarts dust x64

Sand x48

Animunum ore x7

Coal x8

Dark steel boots x1

iron leggings x1

creative jetpack x1

Iron hook x1
Coordinates: (xyz) (-3235,50,-410)
Description of Issue: died and grave didnt spawnunknown.png
Screenshots (Optional)


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