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[Inventory Rollback Request] The_Blue_Angel


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Your Name: The_Blue_Angel
Coordinates: x: -507, z: 414, y 65(4) -- the spawn point
Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/timezone/date when everything was fine): 2020-07-07
Description of Issue: I am a brand new player and I joined the server, accidentally fell into The End at spawn point, and lost all my items. At the time the portal to the End lands you above the empty void and my grave was nowhere to be found. I have died a few times jumping around on the few blocks trying but no luck. At this point I have lost my grave key and everything else. I would also mention I did see a few other graves down in the drop pit there so this might be a more frequent problem for others at the time. 'The End' portal is easy to stumble into if you are new and looking around. I was just hoping for my account data to be wiped, or to have it rolled back so I have the starting items (house, dog, skill book, quest book etc)


Unfortunately, we have no backup of your inventory before that death. Since you only had starter items I placed a new set of those into your inventory.




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