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[unban] [battlefiled]


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[1] In-Game Username:

[2] Details of Situation:

I've been banned for using hack client but I don't know what that is or I've used it. they also accuse me of entering the warp sponsor but I accept the tpahere of a sponsor and I appeared there and now they accuse me of doing tpahere but I have never seen that app or used

[3] Ban Category:

Rule 1 1stOffense-Hacked Clients-[AC]

[4] Ban Duration:

Starts September 07, 2020, 02:02 AM

Expires:  September 14, 2020, 02:02 AM

[5] Staff Member:


   [6] ScreenShots:















[7] Your Reason:

it's unfair to be accused of using hack client but I've investigated that even with that app it can't be used for what I'm accused of, in addition the staff that accuses me was not present the day I passed



There is no way for a sponsor to send you "tpahere" from a warp, in all the cases that I have seen that a common player reaches a warp it is with the use of hack
I did tests for confirm what you told me and there is no way

you have proof?

a player informed me of this, here you have the proofs

Proof: https://imgur.com/a/o5iuxhN


1 hour ago, iiTzFermin_ said:


There is no way for a sponsor to send you "tpahere" from a warp, in all the cases that I have seen that a common player reaches a warp it is with the use of hack
I did tests for confirm what you told me and there is no way

you have proof?

a player informed me of this, here you have the proofs

Proof: https://imgur.com/a/o5iuxhN


I have investigated and asked players what would be the way to enter and the only one they told me was the one that had mentioned you and I have a witness who entered the warp premium was mate1559, you also accuse me of client hack but you have not even tried the method that I told you .


A witness that made the same mistake you did, knowing that what he did is ilegal

the same day that I banned you, you told me that you had a witness and the player denied me all

you are as guilty as mate1559, but I have no proof that mate1559 did this

If you have something else to tell me, do it for Discord: ¡¡TzFermin_#1903

Unban Requests Denied

Have a Nice day



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