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Your Name: Soundxpro
Island Owner Name: Keytonater
Coordinates: Serveral chunks over entire island
Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 09/01/2021 Probably around 10pm GMT I got no idea when i started
Description of Issue: Serveral island chunks are chunkbanning / kicking ''the server you were on has recently gone down'' when the server didnt crash, ''cannot connect to proxy''
Screenshots (Optional): 

1 hour ago, D34DPlayer said:

Island rolled back, tell me if the issues are gone and if there's anything that needs to be refunded.

Just logged on and still chunks kicking me, didnt look like it had rolled back properly since we still had stuff placed from after the issue appeared, i edited my forums post since the ign for the island was incorrect and was Keytonater not Keytonator


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