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[Town Removal Request]*Ruthnar*


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Your Name: Ruthnar
Coordinates of Town: x981, y66,z -3592
Town members: ste94italy, and _dRDR34M_ (mayor)
Reason for request: Town creation/expansion
Screenshot of town members activity (optional, but recommended): 



  • Ruthnar changed the title to [Town Rollback Request]*Ruthnar*

I think you named this topic wrong.
Do you want this town to be deleted?

You are not part of this town, you don't have town yet. Do you want to settle next to this town?

Or maybe you was part of this town, but ot kicked/left the town?
Please explain what you want more precisely.

P.S. For town removal use this template


  • Ruthnar changed the title to [Town Removal Request]*Ruthnar*
  • Kaszanka_1234 locked this topic


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