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[command request] soundxpro


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Account Name: Soundxpro
Rank: Vip
Requested command*: Not command but Island claim increase
Reason for Request*: I understand I’m not sponsor and this isn’t the right subject for the topic however I didn’t know where to post. I’ve started a build and I can already see the size won’t be close to fitting on my island claims. I would just like to have my build protected from griefers. This isn’t my main island so it won’t be used for any kind of advantage. Thanks


p.s only just looked at scale and would probably be bigger than you would be willing to expand so if its fine to build in wilderness ill carry on


The island claim can be expanded up to a size of 400x400, after that point you'll be entering the area of other islands and:

- Preventing them from expanding their area if they wanted to.
- Their rollbacks will affect the area that overrides.
- If they reset the island or we remove it because it hasn't been active for months, the area that overrides may be removed as well.

So try to fit your claim in that area, we can help you to move your current build for it to fit properly

On 2/11/2021 at 6:34 PM, D34DPlayer said:

The island claim can be expanded up to a size of 400x400, after that point you'll be entering the area of other islands and:

- Preventing them from expanding their area if they wanted to.
- Their rollbacks will affect the area that overrides.
- If they reset the island or we remove it because it hasn't been active for months, the area that overrides may be removed as well.

So try to fit your claim in that area, we can help you to move your current build for it to fit properly

If we could set a time for you to be on to get this sorted in the right place would be great thanks. 



DM me on discord the exact size the claim needs to be, the island coords and how many blocks in what direction the structure needs to be moved if that is needed.

The claim will be expanded in all directions, so the center will stay the same, so the build has a maximum size of 400x400, if perfectly centered.


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