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[Inventory Rollback Request] yinuzo

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Your Name: yinuzo
Coordinates: 28540 74 18084 (Twilight Forest)
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine):  12th March 2021,  8PM (UTC+1)
Description of Issue: I was in the Twilight forest, and the server crashed. At around 8.20PM so I went offline. The Next Day (today), I went online and my complete Inventory is now empty.
Screenshots (Optional): I sadly don't have a Screenshot of my inventory, but my mate made me like an obsidian armor and I had like a good Axe from tinkers construct and also a really good Pickaxe. I also had a few Baubels.
Here's a screenshot from my Inventory now: https://prnt.sc/10kahk3


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