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[Claim Rollback Request]*thors_Bruda*


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Your Name: thors_Bruda
Claim Owner Name: thors_Bruda
Coordinates: x-3129 z-3486 y80
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 3:00am GTM +1, 19th March 2021
Description of Issue: 

Dear CraftersLand Team,

I was planning to have my base sent to my space station in 6 parts. I intended to do this with docking ports. The first part arrived on Space Station 8 but the next 2 parts I tried to send were not attached. Now I am missing a third of my base because the item I created from my base is no longer in Satelite Bay.

Can you reset my base if necessary or just this area and delete the Space Station? 

With kindest regards


Screenshots (Optional): 



hello again,

i am extremely addicted to omnifactory and would hate to start over. How long do you think it will take to reset my claim?

With kindest regards



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