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Refund Request 4/5/2021


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Your Name: SoraTheUmbreon
Item Name + ID + Amount: Curse of Possession minecraft:enchanted_book (#0403) x2, Advanced Mending x2 (same ID as possession bc it's an enchanted book), Silk Touch (same as previous), Unbreaking 3 (same as previous), Grey Dragon Scale Helmet x1 (iceandfire:armor_grey_helmet #4579), Grey Dragon Scale Leggings x1 (iceandfire:armor_grey_leggings #4581), Stone of the Sea x1 (xat:sea_stone #5344), Dragon's Eye x1 (xat:dragons_eye #5346), Ring of the Fairies x1 (xat:fairy_ring #5347), soulstone x6 (lycanitesmobs:soulstone #5629), Silver Ice Dragon Egg (iceandfire:dragonegg_silver #4462/0), White Ice Dragon Egg (iceandfire:dragonegg_white #4460/0)
Base Coordinates: 2502 -8307
Description of Issue: I was killed by uvaraptors and ventoraptors due to lag whilst trying to tame. At spawn, I noticed half of my armor, which was enchanted with advanced mending and Curse of Possession, was gone despite having the curse. When I got back, everything I had was gone. I instantly /backed, so it was a really unfortunately timed event. I had a full inv, but I'll only refund req the things I cared about. I had a diamond pickaxe with enchants but I can make a new pickaxe so I will only request the enchanted books for those. Please add a plugin that counts down the clearlag!!! I will also be adding in an earlier glitch event in which I bought ice dragon eggs from Cataclysm_Cat and most of them despawned, since I haven't gotten to make one yet for that. Thanks in advance.
Screenshots (Optional): None


Edit In Post: my items are continuously vanishing out of my inventory for no reason. I was wearing well enchanted tide guardian armor and the helmet and boots are just not there anymore- no chance they broke. I was also just flying around with my fairy ring and my well enchanted pickaxe vanished from my inv. No chance I dropped it with q- it had curse of possession just like everything that is disappearing from my inv randomly. Idk what this is caused by but I'm pissed not going to lie.


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