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[Claim Removal] Zoidic_fang


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Your Name: Trigger_444
Claim Leaders Name: Zoidic_Fang
Coordinates of claim  xyz: -974 64  7092021-04-08_21_56.54_2.thumb.png.caa290335f16efa31ccb7760e917a5d4.png
Claim members: Zoidic_fang
Reason for request: Ever since Ive started playing the server ive never seen this kid on. its alot of claimed area and a lot of stuff, its a shame for it to go to waste like this and just sit out
Screenshot of town members activity (optional, but recommended): 


Claim removals aren't subjected to raiding, so I can't remove the claim owner in order for you to claim that stuff for yourself.

Claim removal request denied


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