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Change of Prefixes [69tps]


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In-game Name: 69tps
Ranks*:  Sponsor +
Current Prefix: [GoD][$$]Fancy Prefix] 
New Prefix: &6[S&e+&6]&7[GoD]&e[III]&8[$$]&7[L] &e69tps + color name (I want to pass the [OnTop] of my other account (69fpss) to this one, and convert the prefix to a color in the name)
Proof of Ownership (Optional): 


Description:  I need 1 prefix to complete this change, which will transfer it from my other account to this one

Proof of this ^^ : 



Hi, I want to be clear with what do you want to do.

1) Revert the fancy prefix (1 fancy prefix for 2 normal prefix)
2) Pass OnTop prefix in the account 69fpss to 69tps account and use the prefix for a color name.

You now have:

69tps: 2 normal prefix and 1 fancy prefix
69fpss: 2 normal prefix

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