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[Complaint] Against (Scarlxd)


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In-Game Nickname: Scarlxd

Time and date: Ongoing for the last 2 weeks.

Description of what happened: Problems began with him duping items to rapidly grow and build up his friends and then developed into him killing people around the server. The biggest issue is his constant harassments and killing of newer players to the point that they cannot really grow. Every time one takes a single step off their claim to explore, or expand, or move from one claim to another he kills them. He is often camping around peoples claims to kill them and has targeted a few newer players specifically and has killed them multiple times right off their claim. On top of this he has been an over negative and Toxic member of the server and is sucking the enjoyment out of it for myself even if he is not directly impacting me.

EvilCashew83008 is a player he has repeatedly camped and killed right off his claim, mere blocks from it.

Screenshots or Proof: (Use www.imgur.com)


List of eyewitnesses: (They should also make a post below)







If your complaint has been found void, do not make another one!

Thanks for your help keeping our servers clean.

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