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Refund Request


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Your Name: DxadlySinz1945
Item Name + Amount: DragonBone Nunchucks with 
Coordinates: Empty
Description of Issue: I went into lc and farmed some mobs i was there for a minute before my nunchucks went poof i was just hitting a mob and it got snatched not on floor just wiped from the game
Screenshots (Optional): Medal clip before my nunchucks went poof https://medal.tv/games/minecraft/clips/9GIQpJNkI9wCF/d1337mrdkoOd?invite=cr-MSxWSUksMzI5Mjg2NTcs


the nunchucks had 
Supreme sharp 5

Rune Pierce 4

adv loot 3

arc slash 3

swifter slashes 3

Viper 5

SUbject Pe 5

Supreme fire aspect 2

envenomed 3

Education 3

Luck magnifaction 2

Life steal 2

atomic deconstructor 2

adv mending

vamparism 2


Unbreak 3



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