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Some items to add to Shop or Vote crate.


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 There are some items that we are not finding in raid world. I'm not sure if the raid world plugin would allow you guys to just add these to the raid world or not. If it turns out you cannot. Then I would like to propose these items for consideration to be added to the Shop or Vote Crate pool. At your earliest convenience

 White, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet cave crystals. They do not grow in this version as we are playing 1.12.2 and the growing mechanic is in a version for 1.16. I think it would be better to add these to the Shop. Either a way to get them as 8, 16, 32, or maybe a stack. They are a very interesting decorative block and there only other use is to make runes that are cosmetic items for weapons and armor. If its believed that Vote Crate would be better or easier I think they would do good as 2 different 4 packs that give 16-32 of ea color in there pack. 


Marble, limestone, jasper, permafrost, brimstone, andesite, granite, diorite and maybe slate. I say maybe slate as I cannot find a cobblestone source for slate. Basalt also isn't on this list as it can be found in the nether and we can always request a nether reset if it seems like things are becoming scarce out there. Unless folks feel like basalt should be on the list. I think these items would be a very nice addition for the builders in the Shop and those who would like to explore more of the new building options offered by quark as main worlds deposits start to dry up.


 The Last Item I would like to propose. I think should go in the Vote Crate. Is the archaelogists hat, this hat can only be gotten from archaelogists in the main world and they do not reset there trades so once all of them have been found and traded with or slaughtered. There will be no more. The archaelogist hat gives one tier of fortune. It is unknown at this time if this takes Fortune IV to level 5 or not. I beleive this should be either in the Legendary Vote Crate or the Mystic Vote Crate. Either or could be argued for as it could appear as more cosmetic than useful but I do not beleive it is fit for the regular Vote Crate.


Please and Thank you!


Dyes don't really fit the theme for this. Theres 2 to 4 ways to get almost every dye in rlcraft. The wool idea makes sense cause of how clearlag randomly targets stuff and peoples sheep get targeted all the time. Keep in mind @DragonGuy_ the main theme here is things we can't find in raid world. So where I agree with the wool cause its a pain to get. Most dyes on the otherhand are not hard to get.


 The only dyes i could even think that might be considered would be the 3 from quark as the roots these colors sprout from arn't found in raid world. These would be the blue and white dyes as ink sacs already color things black. I doubt we would need the black dye unless theres something it can be applied to that ink sacs cannot.



Fly and I where talking and another idea we came up with was the idea of new vote crates.

This would be 1 new normal and 1 new legendary (maybe mythic even?) These would be building supply only crates and would give people the choice of using a chest that has gear and items like we have now, or for those who have no use for any of those, they could instead just get building materials like the cave crystals, coral, harder to get items like glowstone or other specific lantern types. Plenty of room for variety in something like this.

Legend crates having the even harder to obtain things etc.


Thanks for your suggestions!

Items that'll be added are the cave crystal (spawn shop), and the archeologist hat (Legendary Crate).

We'll discuss the crystals prices with the managers and the staff team.


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