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[Inventory Rollback Request]*EvilCashew83008 *


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Your Name: AdmSirRed (filing on behalf of EvilCashew83008  who cant access forums)

Coordinates: It was at Hifiveuniverse claim. He was not able to get coordinates it seems.

Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 7:30 Pm Toronto Standard Time

Description of Issue: Logged out and then  logged back in a little later to a death screen with no items. Not even the curse of possession items where saved. (this seems to have happened to others as well?)

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The reset deleted a dragon horn that had a sapphire dragon in it. He forgot to take it out of his inventory during the rollback if there is any way to replace those two items he should be all set. Stage 4 sapphire named Vanheim. not sure how replaceable dragons are tho.

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