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[Inventory Rollback Request]

Your Name:BeastAyanXD
Coordinates: ----
Time/Date (3:07am/2:54am): 
Description of Issue: i was just chilling around in "Warp Raid" by mistake i died by kinetic energy but as always i used /Back command but when i tp to my item , in jsut second it Despawns but some how i got my exp.. it wired for me .. i break a dirt block near by and it also despawns... 
Screenshots (Optional): idk how do i post Video or Screen shot but i do have a Video(but it kind a old like record 2day ago) + Screen shot here is my Discrod > BeastAyanXD#3286 i gonna send there.. or in Discord Server "CrafterLands"

i just want only bubbles bc i grind so much for them and i got some of bubbles from crates i'm i mention those bubbles here and for prove i have screenshot but idk how do i upload here: 

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