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Your Name: Maddyn99
Town Name: OmniTek
Coordinates:4515 , -4654
Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 08/02 10 am mst
Description of Issue:  somebody emptied my chests and threw everything on the ground.
Screenshots (Optional)

Server sabotage started around 4:51 AM CST. Issue was brought to attention of staff and the expected amount of response was shown.


Douchebag griefer continues to destroy the contents of all my chests and Tigin88. Who knows who else he hit this time. Same person that did it here:






Pretty sure this guy has made a comeback. I noticed these two signs today on fuel tanks that were NOT like that at least a few days ago. Seems to be a theme with this guy. I heard but can not confirm that someone else was hit as well with items take from a AE2 ME setup.




Please Cancel request. I found out that a roll back erases everything you have done as well. The process takes too long to be effective for daily players.



Do you take what I take?
Endurance is the word
Moving back instead of forward seems to me absurd


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