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[Island Rollback Request] chiaotien


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Your Name: chiaotien
Island Owner Name: chiaotien
Coordinates: XYZ: 51023.500 / 48.00000 /-31814.500 It's a complex...  not really an "island" Also mostly underwater
Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 6:00PM / Eastern / 10/07/2022 Dont know how far back you go, but my fission reactor was still working at 3PM EDT
Description of Issue:  Intermittent connection issues. Error is as follows: Internal Exception: io.netty.handler.codec.DecoderException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Tired to readt NBT tag that was too big; tried to allocate 2097179bytes where max allowed : 2097152 That error comes and goes
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