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[StoneBlock 3] Vote-crate Rewards list


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The Vote-crates rewards list on our FTB StoneBlock3, MC 1.18.2. Last updated  21.10.2023.

Click the dropdown content spoiler on which type of Vote-crate you would like to see the list of rewards from.


Vote Crate


- 128 Coal
- 64 Iron Ingots
- 16 Gold Ingots
- 8 Diamonds
- 16 Emeralds
- 16 Andesite Alloy
- 8 Slimeball
- 64 Lapis Lazuli
- 30 XP Levels
- 2 Golden Apples
- 8 Blaze Rod
- 4 Ghast Tear
- 64 Quartz
- 64 Prismarine Crystals
- 64 Prismarine Shard
- 512 Clay Ball
- 1 Dragon Head
- 4 Dragon breath
- 32 Redstone
- 64 Copper Ingots
- 32 Lead Ingots
- 32 Tin Ingots
- 16 Nickel Ingots
- 32 Silver Ingots
- 32 Aluminum Ingots
- 8 Certus Quartz Crystal
- 16 Hamburger
- 32 Bottles o Enchanting
- Botania Runes:
2 Rune of Water
2 Rune of Fire
2 Rune of Air
2 Rune of Earth
2 Rune of Mana
- 1 Nether Star
- 2 Vote Crate Keys
- 1 Legendary Crate Key
- 500$ in game money
- 750$ in game money
- 1000$ in game money


Legendary Crate


Shiny Ingots!
        - 64 Gold Ingots
        - 64 Brass Ingots

Shiny Crystals!
        - 32 Diamonds
        - 16 Amethyst Shards
        - 16 Emeralds

Botania Kit
        - 1 Diluted Mana Pool
        - 1 Elven Mana Spreader
        - 1 Greater Ring of Magnetization
        - 1 Mana Tablet
        - 64 Manasteel Ingots
        - 16 Mana Diamonds
        - 5 Terrasteel Ingots

Elven Portal Kit
        - 8 Dragonstone
        - 16 Pixie Dust
        - 32 Elementium Ingots

Power and Storage
        - 4 Powah Hardened Thermo Generator
        - 1 Powah Hardened Energy Cell

Ender Storage
        - 2 Ender Chest
        - 2 Ender Tank

Reactor Supply
        - 36 Powah Reactor Niotic
        - 64 Uraninite
        - 64 Dry Ice

Applied Energistics
        - 1 ME Drive
        - 1 ME Crafting Terminal
        - 1 ME Controller
        - 3 16k Storage Cells

        - 4 Energy Collector Mk1
        - 4 Dark Matter
        - 2 Red Matter
        - 1 Alchemy Table
        - 1 Philosophers Stone

Silverfish Boss Time!
        - 1 Ritual Starter
        - 16 Cold Silverfish Shards
        - 16 Warm Silverfish Shards
        - 16 Eggs

        - 1 Chicken Breeder
        - 8 Roosters
        - 1 Chicken Catcher
        - 64 seeds
        - 16 Eggs

Blood Magic
        - 16 Blank Runes
        - 16 Ritual Stones
        - 8 Blank Slates
        - 8 Reinforced Slates
        - 8 Imbued Slates

Cash $$$
        - 5000$ in game money

Mystic Key!
        - 1 Mystic Key

Legendary Keys
        - 2 Legendary Keys


Mystic Crate


Magical Jetpack
        - 1 Swiftwolf Rending Gale

The Heart Of All Things
        - 4 Silverfish Hearts

Dark Matter Tools
        - 1 Dark Matter Pickaxe
        - 1 Dark Matter Axe
        - 1 Dark Matter Shovel

Mystic Keys!
        - 2 Mystic Key

Legendary Keys
        - 10 Legendary Keys

Legendary Keys
        - 8 Legendary Keys

Vote Keys
        - 40 Vote Keys

Vote Keys
        - 20 Vote Keys

Cash $$$
        - $5000 in game money

Cash $$$
        - $7500 in game money

Cash $$$
        - $10000 in game money


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