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My ingame name is JohnnyBoy4200 & I discovered this strange naturally generated structure which looked like an abandoned village with a mysterious book hidden behind bookcases and after mentioning it in the server someone warped to me to check it out and somehow I teleported to an all black dimension. After closing the server and starting it up again I get an error message that prevents me from loading into the game so hopefully a moderator on the server can teleport me back to the overworld otherwise I cannot play.

The crash report says java.lang.illegalargumentexcpetion: Could not get provider type for dimension -115 does not exist. Hopefully that helps

Thank you



So someone had warped to me and it made me jump a bit and I think I pressed the spacebar while looking at the book and that's when I was suddently teleported and now the game crashes whenever I try to log back in so hopefully the host or admin can just teleport me back to where I was before because otherwise I can't use the item to warp back to spawn due to the fact that I cannot log back in.

  • Manager

I have sent you to the overworld spawn point. Sorry for the delay. You should find your position reset next time you log in.

Non-overworld dimensions are reset periodically, and Tekkit SMP has mods that add temporary dimensions. I suspect you may have been in one of those dimensions when it was wiped.

If you have further trouble, there's a free item in the CraftersLand store called "Tekkit SMP - Unstuck" which will reset your location as needed: https://craftersland.buycraft.net/category/1347141

Feel free to reach out on our Discord server!
CraftersLand Tekkit SMP Discord channel: https://discord.com/channels/226663534187118592/1041373489975808041
CraftersLand Technical Support Discord channel: https://discord.com/channels/226663534187118592/291724195480600577

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