Newlumberjack Posted Tuesday at 07:51 PM Posted Tuesday at 07:51 PM Account Name: Newlumberjack Rank: Sponsor+ Requested Commands^: /time set, /skull, /enchant, /gm 3, /god, /give, /fly, /anvil, /kittycannon, etc. Reason for Request*: - time set - sometimes you need night for example the astral sorcery - skull - to give a specific skull when you need one for deco, etc. - enchant - to enchant an item without using tons of books - gm 3 - to go invis and to check things in the farms, etc. without demolishing the farm, etc. - god - explains itself? - give - to give an item - fly Simple - anvil - to use an anvil while you're anywhere - kittycannon - Jebac, give me something you stole from me - any random or other command that is cool can i have please lol *Sidenote, yes this was stolen from under, toasty told me to copy and paste it, also this is mostly the same commands but i need to repost it due to the hack.)
Manager ManYouForgot Posted yesterday at 05:33 AM Manager Posted yesterday at 05:33 AM Commands Added. Please note all usage is logged, any abuse of WorldEdit will result in removal and future command requests will be denied.
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